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The switch witch is a relatively modern halloween tradition that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. The basic concept behind the switch witch is swapping halloween candy for desired non-food items on halloween night.
Advocates of switch witch propose:
- Unhealthy halloween candy can be swapped out for a desired toy
- The tradition gives kids autonomy of choosing which candy they do and don’t want
- Candies that contain allergens can be swapped out for desired items
Along with its popularity, there has also been equal amounts of scrutiny of the practice. While there is no clear cut right or wrong when it comes to deciding if this trendy holiday tradition is something you want to implement in your family, there are many things to consider.
This article will dig into some of the pros and cons of implementing the switch witch tradition, and the long lasting impacts it might have on your child’s relationship with food.

What is The Switch Witch
The switch witch is a pleasant fictional character that arrives on halloween night to replace any unwanted candy with other non-food goodies, toys or money.
This witch is intended to be a pleasant halloween icon or a “good witch” rather than a mischievous one. She visits your home when your kiddos are asleep to make all the magic happen (not unlike santa or the tooth fairy).
As part of this tradition, candy is often placed in a basket or box on the porch to be traded for a non-food item halloween night.
Some people will even give the switch witch a unique name to make it more fun.
The switch witch varies from household to household but may:
- Remove all candy from the home and replace it with toys
- Remove candy which contains allergens from the home and replace it with toys
- Allow children to keep a certain number of candy items offer up the rest to the switch witch
This Halloween practice can vary from household to household. It can either be used as an opportunity for kids to learn about intuitive eating, or could potentially be used as a way to restrict kids from eating candy they enjoy.
If this fun holiday festivity just becomes a food rule in the household, it might be time to ditch it.
Pros of The Switch Witch
Allows With Severe Allergies To Enjoy The Holiday
Some kiddos simply cannot enjoy halloween activities in the same way as other children because of allergies. For example, a peanut or a gluten allergy can certainly put a damper on how much halloween candy a child is able to enjoy.
The switch witch is a great way for parents to allow their children to trade the candy they cannot eat for other types of candy or a toy they will enjoy.
If you plan to use this halloween tradition for kids with allergies, I recommend switching out candy they cannot have for candy they can have without a risk to their health. This lets kids know that candy itself is not “bad” but that they simply cannot have certain types of candy for medical reasons.
Helps Kids Identify Likes and Dislikes To Make Food Decisions
If this holiday festivity is done correctly, this can be a good way to help kiddos make decisions about which candy types they like or don’t like.
Children who are allowed to sort through their candy and discard only the items they don’t like can definitely benefit from the switch witch phenomenon.
When switch witch is done in this way, kids no longer have to cart around and sort through candy that they have no taste for, and instead this candy can go to someone who will genuinely enjoy it. It’s a win win!
Cons of The Switch Witch
It Can Promote Food Restriction
Encouraging kids to switch out candy that they would otherwise enjoy for a toy is a form of food restriction.
It’s likely you’re promoting food restriction with switch witch if:
- You require all candy to be traded
- You require that kids select only a certain amount of candy to keep
- You encourage kids to trade candy for “healthier” options
- You label candy as “bad, unhealthy, or junk” to your kids
- You don’t trust your kids to eat until they are satisfied
Food restriction can lead to binge eating or other types of eating disorders as kids learn that candy is an “off limits” food.
You might also notice your kiddo begin to sneak or hide food because they are afraid of what others might think if they are seen eating the food.
It teaches kids candy as “inferior” to toys
Swapping out sweet treats with toys teaches kids that there is something wrong with eating candy and that toys are superior alternative.
Think about it, if you wouldn’t encourage your kid to swap out broccoli or chickpeas for a toy why would you do this with candy?
Swapping out candy for toys teaches them not only that candy is inferior to toys during a festivity, but also that candy is inferior to other types of foods.
It Can Teach Kids To Not Trust Their Body
Being able to choose what foods to eat and how much of that food to eat is one of the first ways in which a child develops autonomy from their parents.
Your kids do know when to start and stop eating. If your kid overeats, this also provides them with good information about how their body will feel with different levels of fullness. Overindulging will not cause any permanent harm to any child.
Encouraging kids to swap out halloween candy for toys can lead to:
- Kids not feeling like they can trust themselves around food
- Messed up hunger and fullness signals
- Kids feeling guilt or shame after eating candy
- Kids feeling obsessed with certain food types
It’s important To Discard Unwanted Food
Believe it or not, allowing kids to be selective about foods they don’t want is an important part of learning to be an intuitive eater and building a lifelong healthy relationship with food.
Kids need to be allowed to:
- Share, donate, or discard candy they dislike
- Try new candies and toss it in the trash if they don’t like it
- Feel safe not finishing all candy thats available
- Explore taste preferences without fear of food waste
When You Should Not Use Switch Witch
You should not use switch witch if:
- You’re scared your child might gain weight
- You think candy is simply “junk food” or full of toxins
- You don’t trust your child to know when to stop eating the candy
- You think you’re child is “addicted to sugar”
- You think your child needs to lose weight
- You think they should be eating something “healthier”
What to Do Instead of Restricting Halloween Candy
Allowing your child unrestricted access to the candy they have on halloween is a great way to help them learn about their bodies and understand that they can trust themselves around food.
Instead of restricting halloween candy try this:
- Don’t label the candy as a “treat” a “snack” or “dessert.” It’s simply food.
- Practice food neutrality with your kiddos
- Ask your kids if they want to share their candy
- Invite kids to check in with their hunger and fullness without judgment
- Encourage eating freely with different types of hunger
- Give your kiddo unconditional permission to eat all food types
Halloween is not the time for the food police to show up! Make this an enjoyable experience for everyone by helping your child enjoy the holiday with safe sweet treats.
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