Our Editorial Process

All content on this website is created by a registered dietitian or approved by a registered dietitian.

Registered dietitians must have:

  • A masters degree in nutrition As of 2024 (currently must hold a bachelors degree in nutrition)
  • Completed 1200 hours of supervised practice in a clinical internship
  • Maintain 75 hours of continuing education credits for a 5 year time span.

All articles are edited and fact checked by Peace and Nutrition’s Founder Shena Jaramillo, MS, RD.

Shena is a dietitian that has worked with and specialized in eating disorders, disordered eating, HAES and intuitive eating for the past decade. All recipes are designed HAES aligned.

Articles on this website are evidence based and incorporate the most up to date research available. Each year, every article is reviewed and edited for timeliness and updates based on the newest research available.

All information included in articles comes from peer reviewed research, or reputable sources including appropriately credentialed experts in the field. Any information based on personal experience is clearly outlined.

All information included on this website and in articles is for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice. Information on this blog is not personalized and will not fit the needs of all readers. Consult with your medical professionals before making any diet or lifestyle changes.