Warning Signs Of An Eating Disorder

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Last updated on January 8th, 2025 at 09:26 pm

If you’re loved on is skipping meals, losing weight, or seems to be obsessed with exercise, these might be the warning signs of an eating disorder.

Warning signs of an eating disorder include: 

No one behavior screams “This is an eating disorder.” 

Eating disorders will include numerous symptoms of concern around food, exercise and body weight.

In this article, we’ll dig into what to watch for when it comes to food, thoughts around the body, and purging behavior when it comes to suspecting an eating disorder

infographic of eating disorder warning signs

Food Changes in Eating Disorders

Eating disorders come with changes in food behavior. Sometimes a person with an eating disorder might disguise their obsession with food as dieting or food allergies.

Extreme Dieting and Eating Disorders: 

Abnormal Food Behavior in Disordered Eating

  • Setting very low-calorie limits on types of food or total intake
  • Refusing to show up for family meals 
  • Avoiding social situations that might have food
  • Becoming tearful or angry when sitting down for a meal
  • Getting very concerned about ingredients going into foods (butter, oils etc). 
  • Sleeping in late or taking naps to avoid meals 
  • Seeking out only zero or low-calorie foods
  • Tucking food into a napkin, bra or other space to throw away 
  • Sneaking or hiding food
  • Chewing and spitting food
  • Complaining of illness or GI discomfort to avoid eating food 
  • A disregard for all types of hunger that don’t feel urgent
  • Claiming nothing sounds good to eat 
  • Extreme hunger

A person with an eating disorder likely has a long list of food rules and fear foods.  These are things tow watch for if you suspect something is off with your loved one. 

Eating Disorder Behaviors

When looking for warning signs of an eating disorder, watch the language the person uses. 

Thoughts of an eating disorder might include: 

  • Comparing themselves to old photos and voicing how much weight they’ve gained
  • Someone hating their body
  • An obsession with clean eating, organic foods, vegetarianism or veganism
  • An obsession with good and bad foods
  • Frequently making comments about other people’s bodies 
  • Changing clothes frequently because they hate the way their body looks
  • Having an obsession with weighing themselves 
  • Having high levels of fatphobia 
  • The belief that they need to be at a lower body weight
  • The belief that they need to be in a certain size of clothing
  • Believing that their body is larger than their peers and this is a negative thing
  • Obsessed with being thin 
  • Fear of gaining weight
  • Compulsive Exercise

Clinical Symptoms of Eating Disorders

People with eating disorders often experience starvation syndrome, which has physical, mental, behavioral and social components.

Some clinical symptoms of an eating disorder might be immediately apparent while others can only be determined by a blood draw or vitals testing.

Physical Symptoms of Eating Disorders

Not everyones will experience physical changes with an eating disorder.

Common physical changes across all eating disorders include:

  • Bradycardia (low heart rate of less than 40bpm for adults and 50bpm for children/adolescents)
  • Orthostasis (A drop in systolic blood pressure >20 when going from laying down to standing)
  • Increase in heart rate when standing or walking across the room >20bpm
  • Loss of period 
  • Feeling extremely cold
  • Night sweats
  • Hair loss
  • Weight loss
  • Dehydration
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Gastroparesis (delayed digestion)
  • Fainting
  • Decreased bone mineral density 
  • Bad breath (pungent sweet smell from ketone bodies)
  • Lack of hunger cues

(function(w, d, t, h, s, n) { w.FlodeskObject = n; var fn = function() { (w[n].q = w[n].q || []).push(arguments); }; w[n] = w[n] || fn; var f = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; var v = '?v=' + Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / (120 * 1000)) * 60; var sm = d.createElement(t); sm.async = true; sm.type = 'module'; sm.src = h + s + '.mjs' + v; f.parentNode.insertBefore(sm, f); var sn = d.createElement(t); sn.async = true; sn.noModule = true; sn.src = h + s + '.js' + v; f.parentNode.insertBefore(sn, f); })(window, document, 'script', 'https://assets.flodesk.com', '/universal', 'fd'); “>Lab abnormalities can be a sign an eating disorder is present. However, most people with an eating disorder will have completely normal lab values. Lab value changes can be one sign that extreme malnutrition is present.

bulimia warning signs infographic

Bulimia Nervosa Warning Signs 

Someone with bulimia nervosa will have additional symptoms to those commonly seen in other eating disorders like weight loss, hair loss and blood pressure changes. You might notice someone purging, but even if you don’t actually see someone leave to purge there will be other signs.

Warning signs unique to bulimia include: 

  • Russell sign (knuckle calluses from inducing vomiting)
  • Disappearing after meals 
  • Compulsive exercise 
  • Fasting or missed meals
  • Bulimia face (swelling of the cheeks)
  • Laxative use (finding laxative bottles)
  • Using weight loss teas or coffee for laxative effects
  • Electrolyte abnormalities (particularly potassium)
  • Weight loss
  • Discoloration of the teeth
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Laxative Abuse Signs In Eating Disorders

Laxative use is a common purging strategy of someone with an eating disorder.

If laxative abuse is suspected, check common hiding spots for laxatives.  It may also be important to note that caffeine or weight loss teas may be consumed frequently for their laxative effects. 

Signs of laxative abuse can include: 

  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Stomach pain 
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation 
  • Poor digestion 
  • Infections
  • Rectal prolapse
  • Lazy colon (Impaired intestinal function)

Habits That May Indicate An Eating Disorder

Here are some seemingly innocent habits that may be an indicator of an eating disorder: 

  • Tobacco use
  • High levels of caffeine intake
  • Alcohol use (especially binge drinking)
  • Excessive condiment use
  • Gum chewing in place of meals or to curb appetite
  • Excessive hydration

While none of these habits by themselves are an indication of an eating disorder, we should watch for them if other eating disorder signs are present.

meal support for eating disorders pdf download

Seeking Eating Disorder Treatment

If you see signs of an eating disorder do not ignore them!  The longer the eating disorder goes on, the more difficult the recovery process will be. Both in-person and virtual eating disorder treatment are available for persons with. an eating disorder.

Early and intensive treatment is critical for a lasting recovery. A recovery team will consist of a primary care provider, a therapist, and an eating disorder dietitian.

In severe cases, someone with an eating disorder may require a higher level of care which could include: 

  • Intensive outpatient programs
  • Partial hospitalization programs or intensive day programs
  • Residential treatment
  • Inpatient Hospitalization 

A person with an eating disorder will likely need a mechanical eating routine and carefully tailored eating disorder recovery meal plan to meet their unique needs. 

Your healthcare team can help you explore how to support someone with an eating disorder.

For more support on the signs and symptoms of an eating disorder, check out these eating disorder recovery books. You can also check out my anorexia story to see the common thoughts in the mind of someone with an eating disorder. 

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What Are Some Physical Warning Signs of An Eating Disorder

Hair loss, lanugo, loss of period, weight loss, discoloration of the teeth, calluses on knuckles, and dry skin

What lab values might be off in an eating disorder

glucose, BUN, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate, chloride, magnesium, and TSH are a few labs that may be abnormal with eating disorders. It’s important to consider that labs are the last thing to change in an eating disorder.

What are habits to look for in eating disorders

excessive caffeine intake, smoking, excessive gum chewing, excessive hydration

What are some behavioral warning signs in an eating disorder

disappearing after meals, frequent mirror checking, social isolation, avoiding situations that may involve food, skipping meals, frequent weighing, many off-limits foods

Shena Jaramillo. Registered Dietitian
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