
woman in flowered dress on bike

Hi. I'm Shena. Registered Dietitian and health activist. I'm so glad you're here!

I am here to support you in

  • building body trust
  • experiencing food freedom
  • ditching diet culture
  • eating intuitively
  • practicing lasting behavior change

Shena J.

As Seen In


Hold My Beer- I Can Veganize That.

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Science Based

All the information on this website is backed by science! Evidence based, unbiased, nutrition advice. 

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Registered Dietitian Developed

My recommendations come from a combination of my M.S. in dietetics, clinical training, and 10 years of experience with  patients struggling with their relationship with food.

Patient Proven Strategies

I provide nutrition advice and guidance based on the strategies that have been successful for my patients. All Guidance is HAES aligned and research backed.

Insurance Partners

Peace & Nutrition Accepts Insurance from the following companies: 


720 Seneca St STE 107 


Seattle WA, 98101

Our hours

By Appointment

Wednesday- Saturday

Contact us

Phone: 1 509- 607-8972

Email: shena@peaceandnutrition.com