Intuitive Eating

Let’s come home to our bodies when it comes to nourishing!  Make peace with food by practicing food neutrality.  Explore what it really means to be hungry and full and the sensations that come along with that.  Draft your own intuitive eating hunger scale to help you tune into your bodies cues and needs. Practice food exploration strategies to help the young people in your life develop a healthy relationship with food.

person in halloween mask and child in witch mask holding a bowl of halloween candy

Switch Witch: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

The switch witch is a relatively modern halloween tradition that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. The basic concept behind the switch witch is swapping halloween candy for desired non-food items on halloween night. Advocates of switch witch propose:  Along with its popularity, there has also been equal amounts of scrutiny of […]

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woman eating pizza in white shirt

Giving Yourself Unconditional Permission to Eat

Do you spend a lot of time thinking about what to eat? How much should you eat? What would happen if you gave yourself unconditional permission to eat?   You’re eating unconditionally when:  Having food rules about what you eat comes from diet culture and does not promote physical and emotional health.  To experience true food

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not losing weight on IE

Why You’re Not Losing Weight on Intermittent Fasting

Are you wondering why you’re not losing weight on intermittent fasting? Do you find yourself keeping your designated fasting schedule with no resulting weight loss?  Reasons you might not be losing weight with intermittent fasting include:  The longer the length of time in which you fast can make it more likely that you will experience

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woman with pink smoothie

The Wellnes Diet Is Just Another Diet

The wellness diet is often advertised as being a healthy alternative to rigid meal plans, food restrictions, and counting calories.   But how healthy is the wellness diet?  Further, what even is the wellness diet?  Common guidelines for the wellness diet include:  The common denominator in all diets that claim to be wellness-focused is that they

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