Male Thinspo and Body Image Issues

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Last updated on July 2nd, 2024 at 10:06 pm

Written By Anthony Herbert Dietetics Student, Reviewed by Shena Jaramillo, RD

Male thinspo is the body image praising of male thinness. 

Male thinspo, short for male thinspiration, is the “thin praising” content on many social media platforms. It may also be used as an advertising strategy for brands.

Male thinspirational content is directed towards individuals identifying as male. The target audience is not specific to any age, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

Thinspirational content creates risks of triggering: 

Male thinsporational content can cause body image issues or even result in eating disorders.

This article dives into the various reasons and how to put an end to the damaging effects of male thinspiration.

Infographic of man looking in mirror with male thinspo thought bubbles

Male Body Image Pressures

There are numerous causes of body image issues in males. Thinspirational content amplifies any body image related challenges a person might already be having.

Body image issues developed through seeking male thinspo content can escalate to an eating disorder. Exposure to this content and the societal pressures placed on being a “man” can cause negative perceptions of ourselves    

Societal pressures related to body image issues include:

  • Pressure to bulk up
  • Increase lean muscle mass
  • “Cutting” for sport-related and thinspirational purposes 
  • Bullying for additional body fat 
  • Bullying due to stature 
  • Pressure to be fit
  • Social comparison  

Following a male social media influencer simply because of your desire for his body image is a cause of negative body image comparison in males.

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How Male Body Image Issues Can Lead To An Eating Disorder

Thinspirational content may lead to the development of an eating disorder (ED). 

Thinspo content can cause you to shame your body or lower your self-esteem. Men following thinspo content may act out on these emotions by taking things away from themselves such as food or having to do something compulsive to earn it.

Eating disorders can cause severe clinical impacts and create a toxic mental space for the one battling these inner thoughts or comparative body standards.  

Male body image issues that may cause an eating disorder include: 

If you are seeking thinspo content on any platform, you may be experiencing an eating disorder or body dysmorphia.  This type of content is harmful to body image even in the best of circumstances.  

It can be hard to seek support for an eating disorder. If you find yourself obsessed with foodfeeling guilty after you eat, or restricting food it is time to seek out professional support. 

Damaging Effects Of Male Thinspo

The effects of male thinspo content is concerning as it promote self-harming behaviors. 

Male thinspo creates communities where the normalization of restrictive eating and purging behaviors are acted upon to reach thinness. Thinspirational content causes damaging effects on an individual’s perspective of themselves. 

Damaging effects male thinspo seekers experience include:

It is important to recognize the self-sabotage that is caused by male body image issues. Clinical symptoms can manifest as negative body image increases for males. These clinical symptoms might include:

  • Purging food with exercise, laxatives or vomiting
  • Abusing insulin for men with type 1 diabetes for the purpose of weight loss
  • Food restriction
  • Fear foods
infographic on the effects of male body image issues

How To Do A Social Media Purge of Thinspo Content

Thinspo content might be so familiar in your feed that you don’t even realize the extreme psychological toll it is taking on your mental health. Sometimes a social media purge is critical in reclaiming your body freedom.

Do a social media purge of thinspo content by: 

  1. Unfollowing accounts that lead you to body check or feel guilty about food
  2. Try following people’s accounts of those in the same size or larger size body than you
  3. Share imperfect photos 
  4. Take a break from social media or set time limits on it
  5. Refrain from seeking out thinspo specific content

The more you see content that is not filtered and shows people in diverse bodies, the more comfortable you will get with this.  

Write down the beauty you see in bodies of different sizes.  Notice the skills and talents of people in all body sizes. 

Improving Your Body Image

Male thinspo has been associated with causing body image issues. Thinspirational content can also promote or escalate a life threatening eating disorder. 

Regardless of the enormous societal pressures on men to maintain a certain physique, there are many strategies to fight against these unrealistic pressures.

Improving your body perspective includes:

These applicable measures will help you eliminate the harmful effects of male thinspo overall improving your confidence in your body image.

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Shena Jaramillo. Registered Dietitian
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