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Last updated on November 27th, 2023 at 01:05 am
In eating disorder recovery, motivation to keep on the seemingly endless path can be tough! Reasons to recover from an eating disorder can seem slim compared to the benefits of keeping the eating disorder alive.
The road to ed recovery is rocky with lots of twists, turns, and mountains standing in your way. Sometimes it can feel like we’re walking backward more often than we are moving forward.
Your eating disorder voice will convince you that there are more benefits to keeping your eating disorder than recovery. Don’t let it!
It can help to think of motivation for ed recovery by realizing:
- You’ll have stronger relationships
- You will help advocate for dismantling systems of oppression
- You’ll be able to focus your attention on your passions and not restrict food
- Your eating disorders getting in the way of you sharing your gifts with the world
You have so much more to offer this world than taking up the least amount of physical space possible.
Let’s dig into some motivational strategies for eating disorder recovery that can cut through the noise of your eating disorder voice.
Eating Disorders Triggers
Much of the motivation for an eating disorder stems from diet culture.
Diet culture uses systems of oppression such as patriarchy, racism, and capitalism to ensure every human hates their bodies at all times.
Messages from diet culture that translate to eating disorders include:
- The best bodies are thin bodies
- If possible bodies should be of European descent and free from flaws
- A thin body is a healthy body
- A thin person has discipline
- Thin people know when to stop eating
- Being thin increases your currency for a sexual relationship
- You are not loveable if you are not thin
It’s easy to see if we internalize these messages, there will be a strong motivation to be as thin as possible.
Everyone in American culture gets these messages straight out of the womb. However, diet culture alone will not cause an eating disorder.
Motivation for eating disorders comes from numerous contributors including diet messages, genetics, and sometimes a history of trauma.
Why Do I Have No Motivation To Eat
The three primary reasons you have no motivation to eat when you have an eating disorder include
- Metabolic and digestive shifts that take away hunger cues
- A loud eating disorder voice telling you not to eat
- You have an eating disorder that reduces your desire to seek food
With both physical and mental aversions to food against you, it can be very hard to find the motivation to eat and recover from your ED.
You will need to find the motivation to push past both physical and emotional barriers fro true recovery from your eating disorder.
Reasons To Recover From Your Eating Disorder
Let’s take back the space in this world that belongs to us. Sitting down to analyze what you will get back once you have fully recovered from your eating disorder can help you stay motivated during your journey.
You Get To Have Passions and Talents Again
Have you ever noticed you spend the majority of your day thinking about your eating disorder? What would it be like to take a day off?
Eating disorders rob you of your passions and talents because:
- You spend most of your days trying to get thin instead of working on talents
- Wanting to be thinner first before you start that thing is always top of the list
- You won’t show up to do the thing because you are afraid people will see you
Reclaim the time that belongs to you that the eating disorder has stolen!
You Get To Have Relationships
This is a tough one to swallow. Do you ever notice you’re only half present with the people you love because:
- Our obsession with restricting food overrides your friendships
- You decide you’ll be a better friend or partner ONLY if you are thinner
- Your ED hijacks your partner’s opinion on how you look and decides they are a liar. Your partner is literally no longer entitled to their own opinion on the things they enjoy about your body.
- You rarely show up in pictures where memories are created
You are not a bad person. But you can’t be in real relationships with an eating disorder on board. It’s just you and your eating disorder in the room.
You’ve put everyone you love right below your abusive partner ED. THAT for me is enough motivation to recover.
Check out my anorexia story to see how I repaired my relationships by giving up ED.
You’ll Become An Advocate To End Oppression
Have you ever met a person who is truly 100% satisfied with their body?
Me either.
Why do you think that is? Oh- right. Because it keeps us investing in the system that will use our time, energy, and money to keep building itself stronger.
- As long as YOU are dissatisfied with your body and trying to change it, others will too
- Trying to change your body, whatever the size sends a clear message that you confirm that some bodies are better than other bodies.
- You can speak out against systems that promote thin privilege and fatphobia
If you have ever said to yourself “I care about ending oppression in this country” showing up in your body as it was naturally intended to be is the BEST way to make a stand.
You’re No Longer A Slave To A Set Of Rules
Raise your hand if you loved being told what to do as a kid.
Said no one ever right?
Then why do you let your eating disorder dictate your every move? Motivation for eating disorder recovery can simply come from a rebel against conventional standards.
When you don’t have an eating disorder you can:
- Decide when and what you want to eat
- Wear what you want
- Stay up as late as you want (okay this has nothing to do with an eating disorder but you get my point.
You Can Go On Vacation Whenever You Want
Did you know people with eating disorders actually can’t take vacations?
I mean sure, If you have an eating disorder you can geographically relocate your body. However, your disordered eating mind keeps you in EXACTLY the same spot as when you were at home.
Wanting to TRULY experience traveling is an excellent motivator for ed recovery.
Here are some reasons vacations aren’t possible with an eating disorder:
- Your eating disorder boards the plane with you. You’re stressing about the calories that might need to be consumed in layovers. Your lack of nutrition leaves you exhausted.
- You spend your vacation planning time strategically planning the “healthiest” restaurants
- Your mood is low the whole time because restricting food wherever you can
- Even if the restaurants you choose are “healthy” you have guilt after eating
- Swimming? Bikini season anxiety is HIGH on vacation. Even if your eating disorder says your body is good enough today you spend the whole time body checking everyone else to make sure you measure up.
- Most likely, you’ll just skip swimming. Even if it means missing moments with your kids or loved ones.
Eating Disorder Recovery Motivation Tips
Remember, there is no correct time frame for ED recovery. Truth and freedom is the journey, not the destination.
Here are a few things to remember in your recovery journey:
- Your worst day in recovery is better than your best day with ED
- Challenges in recovery just mean you are relearning with more power
- A relapse doesn’t mean the work you have done and lessons learned went away
- Nobody is keeping track of your challenges or triumphs except your ED
- Pleasing your eating disorder does NOTHING except please the patriarchy
- You are worth more than your sexual currency (also designed to please the patriarchy)
- Literally, no one will talk about how “skinny” or “healthy” you were at your funeral Your
- the body is the least interesting thing about you
Eating disorder recovery can feel like an uphill battle. In addition to keeping reasons to recover at the top of mine, check out these tips to challenge eating disorder thoughts.
- Switch Witch: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly - October 18, 2024
- Giving Yourself Unconditional Permission to Eat - October 17, 2024
- Help, I Feel Like I Don’t Deserve To Eat - September 7, 2024